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Deukmejian Park

Glendale is receiving compensation from other jurisdictions for allowing them to haul sediment and debris up to the placement site next to Deukmejian Wilderness Park...

Foothill Sign

The Glendale City Council voted to place the Foothill Entry signs without any discussion or community input...

Water Bill Refund

Glendale residents will be receiving a refund / credit on their water bill.

Grayson Repowering

The City is proposing the expansion of the Grayson Power Plant...

Electric Bill Refund

Glendale residents will be receiving a refund / credit to their electric bill.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Along Verdugo Wash

The City of Glendale is planning to build a bicycle and pedestrian path along the Verdugo Wash

Lead Contaminated Water

“Every major American city has hazardous amounts of lead-contaminated water.”

Affordable Housing

Bill 113 and a threat to affordable housing

Cell Towers For Profit

Glendale is arbitrarily placing cell towers throughout the City to make money

PERS: 84% Unfunded?

"Glendale's PERS obligation is 84% unfunded." 

SB 1129

Why is the City supporting SB 1129 (Steinberg)?



Crime Statistic Inquiries

Inquiries into crime statistics and strategies that have been put into place regarding public safety:


Glendale City Council held a closed session with real estate developers Brooks Street and Lab Holdings, LLC, as well as a group of psychiatric professionals... to discuss the Rockhaven property...

Rose Parade Float



Browning Lawns Ticket

"Glendale is ticketing residents for browning lawns during a drought."/ What is Glendale doing during the drought?

LCF in Drinking Water

Recent reports appeared online in regards to California EPA recommended health goals.  "High levels of toxicity revealed in LCF, Burbank,... Glendale drinking water."  

Violation: City Transfers

The City violates its own Charter regarding transfers

Seven Trees Trail

The Seven Trees Trail, located in the historic Brand Park, was destoryed by Los Angeles County Fire Department tractors during the La Tuna Canyon Fire.

South Korean Sister City, Gimpo

Recently, the City of Glendale has received numerous inquiries from concerned residents around the world regarding the South Korean dog meat industry...

Scholl Canyon Landfill Environmental Impact Report

“The Glendale City Council was scheduled to vote on the Scholl Canyon Landfill Environmental Impact Report...but has rescheduled without reason"...

Proposed Mixed-Use Development

Why would City Council entertain the proposed mixed-use development project at 1100 N. Brand Blvd.

City of LA and Glendale Landfill Useage

At an August 20th press conference, Los Angeles Council member Huizar states Glendale is acting unfairly by not allowing Los Angeles to use the City of Glendale’s landfill.

Water Rate Increase

"Where can I find more information on the proposed Glendale water rate increase?"



Utility Users Tax

Utility Users Tax (UUT) ballot measure submitted for signature verification is for the upcoming June 2014 special election / Glendale UUT does not pay for essential City services. It should be repealed.

Sister Cities Maintenance

All Sister Cities are expected to pay for the maintenance and upkeep of all memorials. 

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