City of Glendale
Rumor Page
Other Government Agency Taxes
There is no evidence other government agencies will impose more taxes on Glendale and the region.
This statement is simply not true. There have been multiple documented reports of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, or SCAQMD, considering a possible 0.25% sales tax increase across the four counties it represents. While this is still in the early stages, there has been a lot of discussion on how to present this to voters by way of a ballot measure in 2020. The polling shows that the District will want to conduct more public outreach over the next two years to build familiarity with SCAQMD before 2020.
The following documents show the relevant pages from the following SCAQMD committee agendas:
AQMD Legislative Committee Agenda – March 2, 2018
ACTION ITEM: 3. Proposed Sales Tax Increase Legislative Concept for Approval
Attachment: Draft Legislative Proposal to Authorize a Potential Local Sales Tax Increase Ballot Measure in the South Coast Air District
AQMD Special Legislative Committee Agenda – March 2, 2018
ACTION ITEM: 1. Proposed Sales Tax Increase Legislative Concept and Related Public Survey for Approval
AQMD Legislative Committee Agenda – April 6, 2018
AGENDA ITEM 1: Results of Public Survey Regarding Proposed Sales Tax Increase Proposal and Recommendation Regarding Potential Bill